How much do you know about Washington Irving?

Probably you have read at school some of his exciting tales and stories like The Legend of Sleepy Hollow or Rip Van Winkle.
And where was he from?
What cities did he visit in Spain?

Before we start our WebQuest, Find out some information about Washington Irving
Places where he lived and travelled:

Washington Irving was the first American author to receive international recognition for his writings. He is a widely studied author in America as well as in middle and high schools around the world.

Apart from being an extraordinary writer of exciting stories, he is famous for the journey he made through Andalusia from Seville to Granada. He was interested in the people, environment and traditions of the villages and towns included in this route.
Here we will focus on the time he spent in Andalusia.
What do you know about Washinton's Irving route? You have probably seen one of the street signsirvingroute.jpg in your town or a town you have visited.

A group of tourists from Connecticut who are friends of our American assistant are coming to visit southern Spain.


They read about the Washington Irving route and got really interested. But there is one problem.
American tourists don't have time to visit the whole route so they will only visit one part of the route, the best one!

The route is divided into 5 parts or sub-routes:

Route 1 focuses on the city of Granada

Route 2 includes Santa Fe, Fuente Vaqueros, Chauchina and Íllora.

Route 3 includes Moraleda de Zafayona, Alhama de Granada, Montefrío, Huétor- Tájar and Loja.

Route 4 includes Archidona, Antequera, Humilladero and Fuente de Piedra.

Route 5 includes Estepa, Osuna, Écija, Marchena, Carmona, Alcalá de Guadaira and the city of Sevilla.