Con esta actividad vais a tener una experiencia llena de fantasía y misterio, donde el terror y el miedo os invadirá en la noche de Halloween cuando los muertos regresan a visitarnos y será algo...TERRORÍFICO.

1. When is this festival celebrated?
2. Where does The word "Halloween" come from?
3. Which are the origins of Halloween?
4. How used to celebrate it the Celts? And the Romans?
5. How do the Anglo-saxon countries celebrate it nowadays?
6. Are there differences between English and American celebration?
7. What does "Trick or treat" mean?
8. Which is the legend that tells the origin of the "Jack-o-lantern"?
9. How can we make one Jack-o-lantern?
10. What is typical to eat during this time?
11. Find a Halloween Ghost Story and write a summarize of it.



This Worksheet was created by Elizabeth Santana Moreno.

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